- How do I structure a group session?
- What is the best way to ask people to introduce themselves?
- Are there any useful ice-breaker exercises to ask people to do?
- How do I keep everyone safe?
- What if someone gets triggered?
- What is the best way to do a demo?
- How can I manage chatty and quiet people?
- How much should I charge?
- How will I promote my group?
- What should I ask for before?
- How can I follow up afterwards?
- What presentation tools will I need?
After the workshop, you will feel confident how to:
- Specify the target audience for the group
- Set pricing, frequency, location
- Attract participants
- Ensure attendees are suitable & take registration information
- Communicate pre and post-meeting information
- Structure the group sessions, with a beginning, middle and closing plus any follow-up
- Keep attendees safe
- Maintain boundaries during and between meetings
- Engage all members of the group