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Practitioner Support

Monthly Supervision

Whether newly qualified or an established practitioner, the chances are you have questions about EFT from time to time.

  • Are you doing it correctly?
  • How can you progress with certain clients?
  • What is new in the EFT world?
  • Are there techniques that you haven’t yet discovered?

Whilst working with clients using EFT is a wonderful career, you can also feel quite isolated, particularly if you mainly work online, and the opportunity to connect with other like-minded practitioners is not to be missed. Practitioners often believe that they have covered everything there is to know in their training, which is rarely the case, and joining a group environment where cases and techniques are discussed will enhance any practitioner’s confidence and improve the quality of EFT that they offer.

Note that ALL cases are discussed in complete confidence.

Who can attend?

If you have completed your EFT training to Level 2, however long ago, you will benefit from supervision. Even (especially) if you feel rusty, or have yet to complete your case studies, you can connect with and learn from others in this supportive, nurturing environment.

Dates & Cost

Supervision is held twice monthly via Zoom. One session is on a Saturday and the other on a Tuesday evening. We meet for a total of 2 hours.

The fee for Supervision is just £18, which makes it accessible and affordable for everyone.

Book your place now

CLICK HERE to book your date and place at Supervision. You will see the dates shown on the calendar and when you choose your date, you will be taken to a page where you can pay by card. You can also book several dates with a single payment.

You will receive a confirmation email which includes your joining link. Please save this email.

Your booking is non-transferable to another date. For reasons of confidentiality, you will no longer receive the recording if you are unable to attend live. Your attendance at the meeting is required to count towards your annual Supervision record.

The format of Supervision is usually as follows although every session is, of course, unique:

  1. Very quick introductions (name and location) and whether you have a question (but don’t ask it just then)
  2. I will come back to anyone who has a question and encourage group participation with the answer
  3. Don’t worry if you don’t have a question – you will probably learn a great deal anyway
  4. Remember there is NO SUCH THING as a silly or unimportant question.
  5. I usually record the session and save it on a private link, accessible only by you. If you would prefer I didn’t record, please let me know. I can save the audio if you prefer.
  6. The follow up email usually goes to all participants so that you can connect with anyone you would like to afterwards. Again, please let me know if you would prefer to be blind copied instead.
  7. When you attend Supervision you can join the Private Facebook Group for EFT Supervision, if you are not already a member. Click here to join EFT Supervision Group | Facebook. It is a place to ask questions and share information but, of course, it is not obligatory to join.

One to One Sessions for Practitioners

Mary-Jane offers a special rate for those who have trained in Emotional Freedom Technique, either with her or another trainers.

Practitioners often want a safe space to explore a range of issues, including:

  • Physical health concerns
  • Limiting beliefs that are blocking their progress
  • Early life traumatic events that seem unresolved
  • Regular coaching to help them to build and grow their business


Rates specifically for EFT practitioners are available for a package of three or six sessions.

If you would like to find out if working with me is a good option for you, please book a 15 minutes discovery call HERE so that we can ensure we are a good fit.

About Mary-Jane

I have been using Emotional Freedom Technique in my practice since 2014, having been a holistic therapist for over 17 years. I have extensive experience of working with chronic health conditions and trauma as well as coaching many trainees to establish the EFT business of which they dream.

Discover more about my journey to becoming and EFT trainer and supervision HERE