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What makes a successful EFT practitioner? It may not be what you think. Our ability to feel safe, just like a child exploring a new toy, is critical to our success in growing an EFT business. Having support within your safety zone is key as you step out and try things, which may or may not succeed, is essential for any practitioner. And EFT is a great tool to support ourselves as we proceed with authenticity and passion.

I have trained hundreds of people as EFT practitioners over the years, and supported dozens of others. I have seen people build substantial businesses and others who have struggled to attract many clients and in some cases who have given up and gone back to paid employment.

What makes someone able to successfully build a business and someone else unable to do this? It all boils down to one thing, but firstly let me tell you what it is not.

  1. It is not the ability to post every day on Facebook/Tiktok/Instagram/YouTube
  2. It is how competent or experienced you are as a practitioner
  3. It has nothing to do with how many marketing courses you take promising you that you will have a full diary in 30 days if you follow these 10 steps

The ONE thing that will determine the ability to build a business, is how SAFE you feel, take steps outside your comfort zone. The reason you might be struggling, is because your nervous system is shouting at you to stop because it is not safe. This is precisely why one person’s magic formula doesn’t work for someone else.

Think of a young child, who is perhaps exploring a new toy for the first time. You see them checking regularly with their parent to make sure it’s ok, and they are not going to be told to stop. As long as they know there is a safe, regulated place to come back to, they will continue to explore. They might fall and there could be tears, but if they soon feel safe and regulated, they will explore that toy again later, or tomorrow, or next week.

Perhaps they may see an older child doing something they don’t feel quite ready for. They may copy, or they may choose to wait. They may be subjected to teasing, bullying and pressure to try it, and often things will go wrong, because they didn’t feel safe and didn’t do it on their own terms. A regulated child is more likely to go at their own pace.

Growing a business is very like being a child. It is ok if something goes wrong as long as you have a safe, regulated place to return to. You know you have a place of strong support. And sometimes you try new things and it goes well, and your support team can cheer you on.

Most practitioners see their business as something separate to themselves, but it isn’t. It is part of you, just as your relationships are a part of you, your home is a part of you, your choices about diet and exercise and favouite pastimes are a part of you.

The mistake we often make is to take someone else’s formula and try to make it fit us, but we are not them, so it may not work, unless there is a big overlap. The more we are aligned with the safety zone of the creator of the formula, the more like we are likely to find it helpful for us.

So what can you do about this? Find somewhere where you feel safe, ideally with a coach or a group of like-minded people in a similar position where you can share the highs and lows without fear of judgement.

Just like the child who knows that mum is ensuring he is safe should anything go wrong, you will be supported when the inevitable knock-backs occur.

There isn’t a single person in business who doesn’t experience set-backs. They are a part of business (and everyday) life. The people we might consider to be the most successful, probably encounter a set-back at least once a day. But they have the support and the resilience (and the experience) to brush themselves off and try something else.

EFT practitioners have the advantage of being able to access a rapid and amazing skill to support them, but I am frequently astonished how many practitioners fail to use EFT regularly for themselves, either on their own or with a swap partner or practitioner. If this is you, I recommend spending some time considering this and contemplating where your resistance is coming from. Often it is fear about what will come up. But if you feel this way, is it feasible to expect clients to come to you for sessions? Are you really diving deep into your inner world, identifying and clearing the patterns that are keeping you stuck and realising your limiting beliefs?

I have two words that are my mantra in pretty much everything I do. PASSION & AUTHENTICITY.

I believe that potential clients can sniff out lack of authenticity a mile off! And if they feel you are not 100% authentic, they will search for someone else. Being authentic is is far more important than experience or confidence. Regarding passion, well nothing sells anything more than the genuine passion of the person who is offering it. For most practitioners, the more they use EFT for themselves, the more genuinely passionate they can be about it, because it truly comes from that place of having experienced the magic.

In 2025 I am offering a small group course, Cultivate your EFT Business. This will be your comfort zone, from which you can dip your toes into various things, and return, for the support of me and your colleagues.

You can find out more in our workshops.


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